
Handling Your Estate Planning Documents & Finances Post-Dissolution Decree

Handling Your Estate Planning Documents & Finances Post-Dissolution Decree So you’re divorced, now what? The answer is not always so simple. Divorce may be expensive, it may be lengthy, and it may very well be stressful. Once it is ‘over’ in the sense that a court has issued a dissolution decree, it may also bring […]

How to Prepare for a Child Custody Hearing

HOW TO PREPARE FOR A CHILD CUSTODY HEARING Child custody hearings are a crucial part of family law proceedings that determine the living arrangements and care responsibilities for children following a separation or divorce. The process aims to prioritize the best interests of the child while addressing the rights of both parents.  This will guide […]

The Divorce Process Explained

THE DIVORCE PROCESS EXPLAINED: FROM FILING TO FINAL DECREE Have you decided that a divorce is the next chapter? Are you curious about the process? Filing a divorce is a huge step and because of the intricate nature of the process, one should be mentally prepared when moving forward. Some first steps to take before […]

Managing the Holidays After Divorce

Managing the holidays after divorce How to Make This the Most Wonderful Time of the Year Christmas, Hannukah, and the wonder of the holiday season creates a unique opportunity to make new memories and traditions with your children. It can also highlight the fact that everyone’s lives have changed and some of the magic of […]

Understanding the Difference Between Contested and Uncontested Divorce

Understanding the Difference between contested and uncontested divorce Contested and uncontested describes the level of disagreement that occurs when individuals are contemplating divorce. Those individuals who are in agreement in all aspects of the divorce will usually file what is called an uncontested divorce where they have agreements on division of assets, debts, custody/time-sharing, and […]