divorce. differently.
divorce. differently.
Welcome to Barrow Brown cArrington, PLLC
Welcome to Barrow Brown Carrington. We’re a real law firm. We’re run by hard-working, award-winning, trial-winning, ass-kicking divorce attorneys that are committed to you, our hard-working, kid-raising, business-running, no-prisoner-taking clients. For our clients in agreement with their spouse, we ditched the hourly billing, streamlined the process, infused our firm’s decades of experience, and packaged an uncontested divorce solution that just didn’t exist. Now it does.
How our process works
Step One
Our online intake process will walk you through the terms of your divorce agreement and any children’s issue.
Step Two
Review your documents
Review your documents to make sure they accomplish everything you seek from your divorce. If you have questions, we will schedule a strategy session with your atttorney!
Step Three
Sign your documents
We offer remote signing options so that you can execute your documents and have them notarized from home, work, or wherever you are!
Step Four
Get Divorced!
That’s it! We do the rest. We will file your documents with the court and make all necessary court appearances. we will let you know the moment your divorce is final.
One simple flat fee
No Hourly Fees
No Hourly Fees
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Consultation with an Attorney
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We make all Court Appearances
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Complete Divorce with Detailed Agreement
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Comprehensive Parenting Agreement
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Frequently Asked Questions
A divorce is uncontested if both parties agree to all issues of custody, parenting time, property division, debt, and support. The vast majority of divorces in the United States resolve by agreement. In fact, most divorcing couples never see the inside of a courtroom.
An uncontested divorce requires the filing of a Petition for Dissolution, a financial disclosure, and a settlement agreement. The settlement agreement is the document that sets forth the parties' agreement on all issues. At the conclusion of the divorce, the settlement agreement becomes an enforceable court order.
The fee for our Uncontested Divorce service is $497, plus the filing fee required of the Circuit Court Clerk in the County where your divorce is filed. This fee ranges from $157 to $332, depending on the County. This fee is nonrefundable.
You will only be charged more if you request additional services, or if the court requires a hearing in your case. Additional services include the drafting of deeds, qualified orders, an update to your will, or the request of further revisions on top of the one-time revisions included in this package.
Once you complete our intake process, our attorneys draft your documents within a few business days. We will file your divorce immediately after you and your spouse sign the pleadings and settlement. If there are no minor children, the court will ordinarily sign your divorce decree within a couple weeks.
If you have minor children, Kentucky law requires the courts to wait 60 days before signing a divorce decree. We will submit your decree for signature at the expiration of 60 days. Once submitted, the court will ordinarily sign the decree within 7-10 days.
Indiana law requires you to wait 60 days after we file all of the documents before requesting your divorce decree. We will submit your decree for signature at the expiration of the 60 days.
The court does not ordinarily require the parties to attend a hearing. However, the court’s roll in an uncontested divorce is to review your settlement agreement and find that it is not unconscionable. This loosely means that the court reviews the agreement to ensure it is fair. If the court has questions about your agreement or the fairness of the agreement, the court will schedule a hearing. Your attorney will be able to advise you about the fairness of the agreement and the likelihood of the court requiring an appearance.
Once your attorney drafts all of the required documents, you will be able to sign your documents remotely, via Zoom or similar, before a Notary public. You may also choose to sign before any notary – your bank, your office, or a nearby office supply store. To locate a notary near you, click here.
All statutorily required testimony can be taken by affidavit, which we will prepare for you. Once all of the documents are signed and filed with the court, the final decree can be submitted to the judge for his or her signature.
Most courts require that you and your spouse attend a divorce education class. The goal of the program is to help parents avoid many of the emotional and behavioral pitfalls often associated with divorce. More information about the Kentucky programs can be found here.
The Family Court requires the filing of a Petition for Dissolution, a financial disclosure, and a settlement agreement. The settlement agreement is the document that sets forth the parties’ agreement on all issues. At the conclusion of the divorce, the settlement agreement becomes an enforceable court order.
We perform a conflict check as a first step before we are hired. We, as attorneys, have ethical obligations to our clients, former clients, and prospective clients to decline any representation that would compromise their interests. So, before we are hired, we check a database to ensure that no conflict of interest exists that would prevent our representation of you. In some cases, when a conflict of interest is found, it can be waived by written agreement.
More specifically, our Limited Representation Agreement states, among other things, that our representation of you is limited to our uncontested divorce service. This means we will advise you, draft, and file all documents necessary to file your divorce. However, our service does not include finding your spouse, negotiating with your spouse or their attorney, requesting documents or investigating your spouse’s finances, and other services that we provide our clients as part of litigation.
Our online intake questionnaire is powered by Formsite.com. The data we collect is stored by Formsite.com and securely accessed by our team. Our secure intake questionnaire encrypts your data to protect it when stored and when transmitted. Formsite.com utilizes Amazon Web Services and their datacenters with hosting in the United States.
In Indiana, the court allows you to waive the filing of financial disclosures statements by written waiver of you and your spouse. So, the intake questionnaire will be shorter. One of the documents we prepare is a waiver of the filing of financial disclosure statements.
In an uncontested divorce involving children, most parties have a functional relationship and are able to communicate. Normally, the parties agree to joint custody and a flexible parenting time schedule. Where communication is impossible, an uncontested divorce may not be possible.
Regarding property division and debt division, an uncontested divorce requires transparency by you and your spouse. If your spouse refuses to inform you about his or her assets, an uncontested divorce is likely not in your best interest. You cannot make an informed decision about settlement of your divorce without all necessary information. Additionally, your attorney will not be able to advise you about your rights and best interests without transparency.
There are two claims for support that can be made in a divorce – child support and maintenance (spousal support/alimony). An agreement must be reached with your spouse on these issues.
In both Indiana and Kentucky, the child support guidelines provide a formula for calculating a child support obligation based on the parties’ income, health insurance premiums for the children, and work-related childcare expenses for the children. The overnights each parent has with the children is also a factor in the child support formula. You and your spouse must agree upon either 1) the child support amount required by the guidelines or 2) any other amount you agree upon, including zero. However, a deviation from the guidelines must be explained in your settlement agreement. We know what to do.
Regarding maintenance, there is no statutory formula. If you or your spouse require maintenance, you must agree upon 1) the monthly amount and 2) the term.
The court calculates the monthly amount after hearing evidence about he net income and reasonable monthly living expenses of both parties. So, the agreed upon maintenance amount should be based on your and your spouse’s monthly expenses after the divorce.
Indiana and Kentucky law are quite different when it comes to maintenance. If you and your spouse agree about an amount, an uncontested divorce could fit. If not, give us call. We can still help, although your divorce will not be uncontested.
In summary, all issues in your divorce must be agreed upon for your divorce to be uncontested. This also necessitates that you know where your spouse is located and that you are able to communicate with them. If you have questions about this, give us a call.

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